Upcoming Projects

Big Book Cover: Hand-painted with decorative papers and inspirational sayings. Sunday, April 22, 2012, 1:30-3 pm. All materials supplied. Fee: $10. A second session will be scheduled if needed. Big Book Cover 2: Hand-painted with decorative papers and inspirational sayings. Sunday, May 6, 2012, 3:30-5 pm. All materials supplied. Fee: $10. Bring your Big Book.

Birthday card

Birthday card

Celebrating Recovery Package: Birthday card, candle wrapper, bookmark. Date to be determined.

Words of Wisdom Mini-Journal: Purse-size booklet for quotes heard at meetings as well as other memorable sayings

Higher Power Collage: A visual interpretation of what your Higher Power means to you

Gratitude Journal: A handmade journal to write about the blessings in your life as a result of working the steps

Inspirational Word Art collageMore Fun With Inspirational Word Art Collage: Perfect for gifts, this artwork, based on an inspirational word consists of a mixture of letter forms cut out of beautiful decorative papers and collaged onto card stock. The resulting 8 x 10 artwork is suitable for framing. Sunday, July 8, 1:30-3 p.m. All materials supplied. Fee: $10. A second session will be scheduled if needed.

One Day at a Time Vision Board: A look at  your physical, mental and spiritual recovery using magazine cutouts and other images or words.

Prayer Journal: A combination of color, imagery and program prayers. Look at it the first thing in the morning to set the tone for the day or the last thing at night to assure restful sleep. There will also be space to write your thoughts.

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